Daeth perl o nef y nef

(Tegwch Iesu)
Daeth perl o nef y nef
  I blith trigolion llawr;
Mor werthfawr yw! ei gael a fydd
  I fyrdd yn elw mawr.

Arteithiau Iesu Grist,
  A'i glwyfau dyfnion ef,
A rhinwedd maith yr Iawn a rodd,
  A'n dwg i nef y nef.

Trwy boen y goron ddrain,
  A'r bicell fain, caiff myrdd
Hardd wisgo byth y goron aur,
  A chario'r palmwydd gwyrdd.
Ail Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau 1879
Edward Jones Stephen (Tanymarian) 1822-85

Tôn [MB 6686]: Pen-y-mount (Dr Boyce)

gwelir: Mil henffych fore wawr

(The Fairness of Jesus)
A pearl came from the heaven of heaven
  Amongst the residents of earth;
How precious he is! to have him will be
  To a myriad a great reward.

The agonies of Jesus Christ,
  and his deep wounds,
And the vast merit of the Satisfaction he gave,
  Will bring us to the heaven of heaven.

Through the pain of the crown of thorns,
  And the sharp spear, a myriad will get
Beautifully to wear forever the golden crown,
  And carry the green palms.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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